Chris Foote-Wood for Barnard Castle
Labour Candidate for Barnard Castle Division, Durham County Council

Local author Chris Foote-Wood lives in Barnard Castle, he’s a well-known Town Councillor and is the current Deputy Mayor. After studying civil engineering at Durham University Chris was a roads and bridge engineer, later becoming a freelance journalist, publisher and broadcaster with his own regional press agency. Now semi-retired, Chris writes books: his latest on local history “Streatlam Castle and the Bowes-Lyons”. Chris says “I have known and loved Barney since coming here on holiday as a child. After leaving university I settled in Bishop Auckland, visiting Barney regularly. When my previous wife died after 40 years together, I married Joan who also has strong links with Barney, and so we set up home here. Sadly, our marriage ended in divorce but we remain friends and Joan is my regular companion. I have had many years experience as a councillor, including twelve years as county councillor. I was leader of Wear Valley Council for six years, and I am currently a member of the Durham County Standards Committee which deals with complaints about councillors. If elected, I will devote the majority of my time to the job and will always be open to meet you and take up local issues”.