Bishop Auckland Constituency Labour Party (CLP) is continually working to ensure that we have a Labour Government in power. We need a truly representative government who will listen to and work with the people across the country so that everyone gets to enjoy a healthy, happy and prosperous life.

The constituency has its south-western end high in the Pennines and the former colliery village of Shildon at its eastern end. Most of its population lives in the vicinity of Bishop Auckland, Crook and Shildon, but most of its area is rural, predominantly in Weardale and the upper Tees valley with historic Barnard Castle as its centre.

You can  email Sam Rushworth MP if you are having problems with benefits, housing, jobs, consumer services, gas, water and energy suppliers, immigration, anti-social behaviour, street cleanliness, schools and much more besides.

Your Labour Councillors also run monthly surgeries in their local wards and are always willing to help where they can. Councillors can help with problems including anti-social behaviour, planning appeals, licensing and refuse collection.

The local party welcomes new members and volunteers and is always keen to improve its engagement with existing members. You can contact us via our various social media platforms, through the national Labour Party site or update your volunteering profile on Labour Hub if you are an existing member.

For all other enquiries or to contact the CLP please email:



Campaign with Labour in Bishop Auckland Constituency

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